Uniso annual seminar, Myral brand dedicated to individuals
Combining local color and thermal renovation, the requirement of a facade manufacturer to meet the challenges of sustainable development.
On June 10, 2021, as part of its collaboration with Uniso, a Myral brand dedicated to individuals, NACARAT Color Design hosted the annual seminar which brought together nearly a hundred craft partners.
The opportunity to present the new collection “Les intemporels” (The Timeless) of 24 colors and 5 aspects created by Nacarat from its heritage material library and the guide “J’embellis ma façade” (I embellish my facade), an awareness tool for individuals that provides information on good practices in renovation.
In 4 steps, the method guarantees the right aesthetic and chromatic choices for a successful renovation by questioning regional specificities, the issues of the immediate context, the enhancement of the architecture, integration into the landscape and the desired style. Criteria that should surround any facade renovation project and that Nacarat has experienced for more than fifteen years in the exercise of its profession with local communities during the construction of color charter intended for the protection of built heritage or in the context of advice for old, contemporary or new buildings.
Our agency wanted to deviate from the standard of contemporary aesthetics by offering this ITE (thermal insulation from the outside) solution the characteristic nuances of the French built landscape, a method of harmonies and know-how in terms of facade enhancement.
Nacarat is proud of its collaboration with Myral, whose trust has been unwavering!